Bible Study Builder Answer Section
The answer section of the questions are very small and no text option. Can we please have the feature that the answer section makes use of the notes tool. In this way the answer is able to be anchored to text and we have text options.
Improve Note Taking in Mobile Apps
I like to use the mobile version of Logos to take notes in church services. When using a keyboard, the '-' and the 'tab' keys do not behave like the desktop app. '-' automatically turns into a bullet list and 'tab' indents the bullet. Please bring as much of the desktop Notes functionality to the mobile apps. Thanks!
Quick word usage info
If I'm in a Greek text (e.g., NA28), I would like to be able to select a word in the text and get basic usage data for that word. For example, I can get the following data with one click on another Bible app on my iPad: In this instance I selected ἀπολλυμένου in 1 Pet 1:7 in the NA28 text.
Merged: Introduce High Quality AI Voice Narration
This discussion has been merged.
Offline Preaching Mode
I would like to suggest having the ability to use the preaching mode offline. It seems that if I don't have wifi access where ever I'm preaching, when I try to pull up the sermon and go to preaching mode, the app hangs up and I have to close it out and open it back up in order to move forward. I've had to preach several…
Passage List Sections
I would like to see the ability to have sections in passage lists. Example: We have a Systematic Theology Class. I want a passage list with all main topics but broken down within those topics (Theology Proper, Christology, Soteriology, etc) without creating individual lists.
Parse YouTube Links To Embedded Video in Notes
I would like to see a new feature that if a YouTube link is pasted into a note, you can have the option of it becoming an embedded video in the notes tool.
Amount Remaining in Preaching-Mode
In Preaching Mode, a simple visualization indicating how much of the sermon text remains in the sermon could be very helpful. This morning, I unexpectedly ran out of material before I anticipated. When I reached the last paragraph of my message, I was taken aback to realize that I had already reached the end and needed to…
Author information in Logos
There is a short summary for each author in the Logos Store. I think it would be great if it were possible to make this summary directly available from the book info in Logos. That way you could get some essential information directly when browsing your own library. The fact book doesn't always help or is less…
Better support for illustrations in sermons
I would find it extremely helpful to add a ki-supported option in the Sermon Editor to search the many resources (!) in your own library for an illustration that matches the text and core idea (!) you have entered. I know there is a assistant for this, but it is far too crude. It gives you a list of hundreds of…
Visual Filters Available on Mobile App
I created a Visual Filter in my Logos desktop app (with the help of Josh at MP Seminars) called 'Greek Morph Filter' that has been very useful to me. Apparently these visual filters aren't available in the mobile versions. I use my mobile devices when I go to lead a study and answer questions, and it would be a great help…
Automate link to passage guide
The iPhone app automatically suggests the reference when invoking the Passage Guide. The iPad app does not but it should. Say I'm in 2 Kings 13:4 and want more information on why the Israelite King Jehoahaz sought the favor of the LORD, I invoke the Passage Guide… it then tells me to Select a passage. I'm not sure why the…
Embedded Audio in Mobile apps
I purchased a book (The First Hebrew Primer) that included embedded audio accessible via footnote links in the text. These work correctly on the Desktop application but do nothing on any of the mobile/tablet apps (i.e. Logos Bible App for Android and iOS). It would be very helpful to be able to access this content on…
Add the option for a time and date stamp to notes created
I see now some of my old notes will say 10 or 12 years ago… but no other info. Especially when looking at my old Observation notes linked to scriptures, it would be good to know more details via a time and date stamp.
Smart Search Prioritized Resources
It would be nice if smart search considered prioritized resources.
Lockscreen verse by verse (BitBible)
I have been using BitBible and found a very convenient way to read the Bible. However, it is limited to KJV and NAB. As I own other translations on Logos, it would be nice to read those. If you haven't seen BitBible, it shows you the next verse in the Bible book you are reading when you turn your phone on, before you get…
Custom Guide for Mobile
Is there anyone we can get our custom workflows usable on mobile? Other guides work so it should be possible. Really want to get a consistent bible study going for the new year but can't always get on a laptop.
Guided study: Lectio divina on Mobile?
On my desktop (Verbum 38 + Pro subscription) I have a (german) Guided study: Lectio divina. Could you bring that to Mobile, i.e. Android and iOS?
Same layouts
It would be nice that a Logos layout created in my smartphone would be accessible also in my tablet and viceversa
Tag/Rate Books on Mobile
It would be fun to tag/rate books on mobile especially the iPad. When I finish reading a book, I like to tag it "read" so I can keep track of all my read books. I tend to read more on my iPad than on my computer since I have an iPad mini, and it's super-comfortable for reading.
Mobile Insights Copy and Paste/Clippings and Passage List
With the new Bible Study Builder and your Bible next to it opened and Insights Pined, all 3 just works amazing together. But the only thing lacking is the ability to copy and paste or do clippings and when using the cross references the option to create a Passage List. If this could be implemented this could do wonders…
Knowing about updates
Every time I download updates fot my mobile Logos or Verbum I would like to know what they are about. Joping someone will take care
Apple Pencil integration
I have fallen in love with Logos! It has been fun to learn and use. One thing that I have been disappointed in is the use of an Apple Pencil within the app. It would be awesome to be able to highlight and take handwritten notes all in the app. Are there any future plans for this?
Add "All CAPS and Sentence Case" Feature to Sermon Builder Font Options
It would be very helpful to be able to go back through and change our headers to "all CAPS," "sentence case," etc. in the sermon builder font options. Currently, we can change the color, size, and style, but even with the style feature, it does not look like we can save "all CAPS" as a style.
Logos Read Aloud My Sermon Manuscript
I typically export my sermons to Word and have Word read them back to me so that I can hear and meditate on the sermon manuscript without making edits. It would be great to be able to do that directly from Logos, similar to how it reads library materials aloud.
Bible Study Builder notes and print
I see a lot of potential to this new feature, but can we also get a print option from mobile, and more text adding options. For example when studying a Bible Book with a specific outline, if we can have the option of adding notes/short introduction about the passage that will be helpful for things to look out for in the…
Improve Highlight Icons
When using highlights, recent ones show an icon with the style for the ones that ship with the program but user added styles only have a grayed out generic look to them. It would improve the usability if a more meaningful representation of the highlight style was shown.
Bible Study Builder Anchor
Can we get the Bible Study Builder to anchor the notes to related Scripture verses or passage.
"Septuagint Translation" for Hebrew words in Bible Word Study
(I feel like I'm missing something; I don't understand why this is not already available…) I'm interested in seeing how words are translated from Hebrew into Greek in the Septuagint. I can see the underlying Hebrew lemmas for a particular Greek lemma, but I can't see the Greek lemmas that were used to translate a…
Highlights in Logos App
Device: Apple iPhone Operating System: iOS Feature: Highlights Additional details: I’m suggesting offering a way to mimic what the Kindle App has when making highlights when reading. In the Kindle App, when a highlight is made, it creates a log of “Annotations” which can easily be referenced later. This would be extremely…
Please return progress bar to the mobile app
Device:Mobile Operating System:iso Feature: Additional details:This was mentioned in the previous forums but I'm afraid it may have been missed in the transfer so I'm posting it here also. Here is that original discussion: Select 1-3 relevant tags below
Widgets for iOS
Device: Iphone, ipad Operating System: iOS Feature: Widgets Additional details: Create customizable widgets for the control center on devices with iOS 18+. Ideas include, verse of the day, church year calendar, readings, etc. Similar to the home screen on the Desktop. Select 1-3 relevant tags below
Rework prioritization
Prioritization needs to be simplified. Among the requirements should be: 1. The ability to see/specify the index the prioritization applies to 2. The ability to apply advanced prioritization to a collection of resources 3. A new ability to apply advanced prioritization to specific tools 4. An easy way to see resources that…
Editable Media
I love the sermon builder and the way that the slides automatically are made while you write your sermon. However, there is no way to upload personal slides (say if your church has a certain sermon series template), unless it comes from faithlife proclaim. It would be nice if there was a way to upload editable slides or…
Bug: Reading Plans
New bug in reading plans in Android app. When reading plan has two reading parts for the day i.e., Psalm 23; John 3:1-16 there is a bug that occurs after completing first part of reading plan and clicking 'Next '. App launches the second part of the reading plan at the end of the assigned reading. In the example above, the…
BUG: Export highlights as a summary isn't working
There seems to be a bug (or two) when trying to export highlighted texts from an inline search. The bugs are: 1) export displays 1 highlight per page 2) export only exports the last highlighted text Please allow us to make a 'summary' of a book by exporting all of our highlights neatly to a Word document.
Fix scrolling bug in the iOS app
Please fix the bug in the iOS app where scrolling causes the screen to jump back to a prior location.
Add offline lookups to Android app
Allow us to do lookups offline.