New Improved Fixed Logos Desktop Logos Mobile
over 1 year ago

Logos version 24

Logos version 24
  • Favorites
    • Website title will appear as the name for URL Favorites.
    • Count is displayed for number of items that will open when “Open All” is selected from the menu.
    • Updated cursor preview for drag and drop actions.
    • All subfolders will be opened when a folder is dragged and dropped outside of the Favorites panel.
  • Search
    • Morph Picker selections appear in alphabetical order.
    • Morph Picker popup triggers in Bible Search kind when typing ‘@’ or the prefix for a morph data type reference.
    • Improvements to speed of milestone searches across large libraries.
    • Improvements to speed of reference range searches.
    • Improvements to speed of milestone searches with reference supersets.
  • Sermons
    • Updated styling for Media Tool buttons.
    • Improvements to applying custom backgrounds to slides.
    • Content is preserved when editing slide backgrounds.
  • UI/UX Changes
    • Updated wording for features section in the About panel.
  • Windows-only
    • Added IME support on Windows for resource panel, workflow panel, and various additional areas where IME was previously unsupported.
  • Many Bug Fixes
    • Resolved a bug that caused BibTex citation style to incorrectly import into Zotero.
    • Resolved a bug that caused areas of Clippings documents to be unlocalized.
    • Resolved a bug that caused the ALT+D/OPT+CMD+L keyboard shortcut to not open the command box. Thread.
    • Resolved a bug that caused the loading indicator to be missing from the Factbook Tags section in the Factbook panel.
    • Resolved a bug that caused the Factbook tag tooltip to show duplicate results for Dataset and user-generated tags.
    • Resolved a bug that caused the Add Factbook Tags option to appear in the context menu for Personal Books.
    • Resolved a bug that caused deleted Factbook tags to still show up in the Factbook Tags section. Thread.
    • Resolved a bug that caused the Undo popup to cut off at certain panel widths.
    • Resolved a bug that caused the website icon to be lost when adding URL Favorites. Thread.
    • Improved loading times for Favorites icons.
    • Resolved a bug that caused certain color names in the highlight tool to be unlocalized.
    • Resolved a bug that caused the Church History Ontology dataset to appear in Add to Library.
    • Resolved a bug that caused the note indicator to show at the start of a chapter when a note was added to a specific verse. Thread, Thread, & Thread.
    • Resolved a bug that caused the note indicator to show at the start of a chapter when a note was added to a specific verse in Bibles.
    • Resolved a bug that resulted in trailing punctuation causing autocomplete to generate invalid queries.
    • Resolved a bug that caused previously deleted resources to not index when redownloaded. Thread.
    • Resolved a bug that caused an infinite loading bar in grouped view when viewing results for a book that is currently being indexed.
    • Resolved a bug that caused field.root: queries to lose localization when selected from the autocomplete menu.
    • Resolved a bug that caused a syncing error when saving a search from a passage guide connected to a large collection.
    • Resolved a bug that caused menus to disappear when attempting to interact via touch.
    • And more.

  • Android & iOS
    • Extended support for Factbook cards with additional card types and Factbook tags.
  • Many Bug Fixes
    • Resolved an issue where invoking a Bible Word Study from a Word Info card opened the wrong lemma
    • Resolved a bug that would prevent starting a reading plan from within a resource
    • Resolved an issue where the reference box was not being updated correctly
    • Resolved an issue when minimizing or switching apps caused changes in the location within a book
    • Resolved an issue with opening the wrong panel
    • Resolved a crash when search panels were being reused
    • Resolved a crash when viewing some note anchors
    • Resolved unlocalized text
    • Resolved Text Comparison not working with Top Bibles
    • And more.