New Improved Fixed Logos Desktop Logos Mobile Logos Web
about 1 year ago

Logos version 26


  • Application
    • Updated Logos icon
    • Updated splash screen images for Logos.
    • Updated default avatar image.
    • Replaced most references to “Faithlife” with “Logos”.
    • Application title changed from Logos Bible Software to Logos Bible Study.
  • Layouts
    • Merged similar Home Page and QuickStart Layouts.
      • User modifications to the removed Passage Study and Topic Study QuickStart layouts are preserved via a new saved layout
    • Added a Factbook panel to various QuickStart Layouts.
    • Added the ability to open QuickStart Layouts to a reference from the command box.
    • Daily Devotional and Search QuickStart Layouts can be added to the Home Page.
  • Passage Lists
    • Various improvements to Passage Lists:
      • Added the ability to add duplicate passages.
      • Verse-mapping is now supported, (e.g., Passage Lists knows that Joel 2:28 in an English Bible is Joel 3:1 in a Hebrew Bible).
      • Passage Lists uses the multi-resource version picker.
      • Various improvements to the UI.
      • Sort option has been added to the Passage List toolbar.
      • A “Too Many Items” alert will popup when attempting to drag/drop more items than what is supported.

  • Search
    • Added the following options when selecting resources in Morph Search:
      • Top Greek New Testament
      • Top Hebrew Bible
      • Top Greek Septuagint
    • Added Book Type as a section in the collection picker for Morph and Bible searches.
    • Added Language as a section in the collection picker for Morph, Bible, and Books searches.
  • Sermons
    • Added the ability to create a line break in Sermon Builder with SHIFT+ENTER on the keyboard.
    • Updated button styling for Media Tool on Mac.
  • Home Layout
    • Cards in the home layout display the updated Logos icon.
  • Memorization
    • The Memorization Tool is now its own panel, accessible via the Tools menu.
  • Additional Changes
    • Faithlife Assistant is no longer available in the application.
  • Bug Fixes
    • Context Menu
      • Resolved a bug that caused Bible search to be suggested in the context menu for headwords. Thread.
    • Factbook Tags
      • Resolved a crash that occurred when adding a Factbook Tag to Orthodox Church. Thread.
    • Factbook
      • Resolved a bug that caused the Christian History Factbook section to incorrectly use localized data.
    • Guides
      • Resolved a bug that kept results in Parallel Passages guides from wrapping at smaller panel widths. Thread.
      • Resolved a crash that occurred in the Important Words section when running a Passage Guide on a reference with verse parts.
    • Highlighting
      • Improved color styling for Highlight icons in Dark Mode.
    • Layouts
      • Resolved a crash that occurred when opening the Bible Reading Plan layout with an Atlas open and linked to certain bibles.
      • Resolved a crash that occurred when adding Search and Devotional Layouts to the Home Page. Thread.
    • Library
      • Resolved a bug that caused filtering by type to not work when viewing resources in cover view in the Library.
    • Links
      • Resolved a crash that occurred when following L4 links.
    • Memorization
      • Improved styling to various components in Dark Mode.
    • Notes
      • Increased the number of tag filters that are visible in the notes sidebar.
    • Reading Plans
      • Resolved a crash that occurred when creating a shared custom reading plan. Thread.
    • Resources
      • Resolved a crash that occurred in The Greek New Testament According to Majority Text. Thread.
    • Reverse Interlinears
      • Resolved a bug that caused the reverse interlinear pane to occasionally fail to load.
      • Resolved a bug that caused the first word in a verse to remain highlighted in the RVI pane after clicking on other words in the verse. Thread.
      • Resolved a bug that caused the resource panel to jump locations when the Reverse Interlinear ribbon was open and a large number of reading plan markups were present in the same location in a resource.
    • Search
      • Resolved a bug that caused the pericope view in inline search to be broken after downloading the latest pericope sets resource.
      • Resolved a bug that resulted in morph picker showing morphologies that were unsupported in a resource.
      • Resolved a bug that caused Basic Search to ignore the specified range for certain resources.
      • Resolved a bug that caused adjacent search terms to be merged together in search preview.
      • Removed the logic that uses the abbreviated title when there isn’t space for the full title when executing a Books Search.
      • Resolved a bug that caused “Send Searches Here” settings to be ignored and resulted in a new Search panel being opened when a word in a resource was double clicked. Thread.
    • Sermons
      • Resolved a bug that resulted in the incorrect keyboard shortcut being shown when hovering over styling tools in Sermon Builder. Thread.
      • Resolved a bug that caused slides to flash on and back off when opening a Sermon despite having the Show Slides preference set to off.
      • Resolved a bug that resulted in duplicate tool tips to appear in Sermon Manager.
      • Resolved a bug that caused sermons with multi page slides to not export to Powerpoint.
      • Resolved a bug that caused images that were dragged/dropped into a sermon to be uneditable.
      • Resolved a bug that resulted in the inability to export Sermons to PowerPoint.
      • Resolved a bug that caused the full title of a resource to appear in a reference slide for certain Sermon themes.
      • Resolved a bug that caused author’s names to appear in the citation location on a Sermon slide.
      • Resolved a bug that caused duplicate text to appear in Sermon slides.
      • Resolved a bug that caused Sermon slides to flicker upon opening.
    • Touch Screen
      • Improvements to scrolling in popups on touch screen devices.
    • Users
      • Resolved a bug that caused the current user to be cleared when selecting Clear Users from the account menu.
    • Passage Lists
      • Resolved a bug that caused added passages to not insert below the currently selected passage.
      • Resolved a bug that caused the kebab menu icons to be misaligned.
      • Resolved a bug that kept resources from opening to a filtered list when navigating to them from an item in a Passage List.
      • Resolved a bug that caused single lines of text to not be centered.
    • Search
      • Resolved a bug that caused areas of Morph Query documents to not be translated when the application was set to French.
    • Windows Bug Fixes
      • Toolbar
        • Resolved a bug that caused the application logo in the Toolbar to be clipped.
    • Mac Bug Fixes
      • Layouts
        • Resolved a bug that resulted in Table of Contents state not being preserved in saved Layouts when resource panels were situated behind other panels. Thread & Thread.
      • Bible Browser
        • Resolved a bug that caused the offline warning in Bible Browser to be illegible in Dark Mode.
      • Documents
        • Resolved a bug that resulted in the info side panel getting stuck in an always open or unopenable state when accessing the Documents menu.
      • Notes
        • Resolved a bug that inhibited dragging images into notes from certain web browsers.
      • Panels
        • Resolved a bug that resulted in the scrollbar on panels being difficult to click and drag at higher program scaling on Mac.
      • Print/Export
        • Resolved a bug that caused resource text to be illegible in print/export view in Dark Mode.
      • Resources
        • Corrected styling of play button on video resources.
      • Word Lists
        • Resolved a bug that caused alert banners in Word Lists to be illegible in Dark Mode.


  • Android & iOS
    • We’ve updated the Logos icon, splash screen and colors to reflect our new Logos brand.
    • We’ve added language-specific books to the default layouts that show when initially installing the app. 
  • iOS
    • We’ve added auto-complete suggestions to the search tool. When entering a search query, auto-complete and recent searches are shown and filtered in a selectable list.
    • Fixed a crash with Text Selection on iOS versions before 15.2
    • Fixed a crash with a localized message in ISBN scanner
    • Fixed a crash with Top Bibles in a Bible Search Panel
    • Fixed an issue where Auto Complete wasn’t working in “All Search”
    • Fixed an issue with the visibility of the cursor in the sign-in screens
    • Fixed an issue with the editing of input boxes in resources
    • Fixed an issue for some Interlinear resources missing the Bible Text Only – One Verse Per Line view setting
    • Fixed a a layout issue for Link Set controls in the Resource menu for large system text sizes
    • Changed the Favorites access for unauthenticated users
  • Android
    • Added Clear button to remove Search tool history.
    • Various Search Auto-Complete improvements
    • Fixed an issue where Read Aloud was reading “St.” as “Street” instead of “Saint”
    • Fixed an issue where the checkmark wasn’t showing for selecting top bible
    • Fixed an issue where the reference box wasn’t showing initial results
    • Fixed a crash when opening the app for Chromebooks
    • Fixed an issue where some library filters were not working
    • Fixed an issue with setting top bibles when offline
    • Fixed an issue with note formatting on some devices
    • Localized Report Typo strings


  • Application
    • Updated "Logos Bible Software" site name to "Logos Bible Study"
    • Changed the green default profile avatar to a blue default avatar.
    • Refreshed the blue color used in links and buttons