New Improved Fixed Logos Desktop Logos Mobile
6 months ago

Logos version 30


Changes & Improvements
  • Bible Word Study
    • Added Greek Words and Hebrew Words guide sections for Latin lemmas.
  • Context Menu
    • Updated the Proclaim icon in the context menu.
  • Library
    • Improved order of results when sorting the Library details view by Rank.
  • Passage Lists
    • Added the ability to add selected passages from a Bible to Passage Lists.
  • Search
    • Added a “Remove all” option from the multi-resource picker.
  • Sermons
    • Updated text style for tooltip keyboard shortcuts.
    • Added the ability for a custom target time to be input prior to sending a Sermon to Preaching Mode.
    • Added the option to show red letters in scripture blocks added to Sermons.
  • Settings
    • Added clarification in program settings that beta releases always send feedback.
  • Spell Check
    • Added common verse and page abbreviations to spell check dictionaries.
Windows Changes & Improvements
  • Application
    • Logos now requires a version of Windows which Microsoft supports. At the time of this release, the list of supported versions is:
      • Windows 11 version 21H2 or newer
      • Windows 10 version 21H2 or newer
    • Logos may continue to run on some older versions of Windows, but will not be eligible for troubleshooting from technical support, or fixes for Logos bugs that are specific to those unsupported versions of Windows.
Bug Fixes
  • Application
    • Ensured compatibility with Windows Server 2019 v1809
    • The application will no longer crash when opening the Home page and syncing down a sermon document change.
    • The application will no longer crash when editing document information.
  • Autocompleter
    • The autocompleter in the Text Comparison, Copy Bible Verses, and Passage Analysis, Sentence Diagram tool will no longer return inaccurate or stale results.
  • Bible Word Study
    • Incorrect Guide sections will no longer be shown for Latin lemmas
    • Latin surface text words are no longer suggested for Guides, as they’re not supported
  • Guides
    • The application will no longer crash when opening the Bookstore section in a Topic Guide.
  • Highlighting
    • The shadow highlight effect is no longer broken in Dark Mode.
  • Notes
    • The application will no longer crash when filtering in Notes.
    • Font sizes are no longer overridden when pasting in text with multiple font sizes.
    • Bible reference links are no longer overwritten when pasted into a note.
    • Text copied from a resource and pasted into a note will no longer be bolded if the original text was not bolded.
    • Copied text will now consistently paste into notes.
  • Psalms Explorer
    • Psalms Explorer will no longer break when in a link set.
  • Search
    • The search autocompleter no longer requires non-English versions of datasets to return results for Label search terms.
    • Resolved a bug with display of search result’s reference preview when searching for reverse interlinear data.
    • Clicking on a search hit link in Bible search now navigates to the result, not just the reference.
  • Sentence Diagrammer
    • Various Dark Mode styling bugs have been corrected in the sentence diagramming tool.
  • Sermons
    • Exporting to different aspect ratios no longer causes issues with slide formatting.
    • Added correct padding between the overflow button and the right side of the sermon panel.
    • Custom media can now be applied to slides.
    • Selecting the revision history will no longer result in displaying a blank page.
    • The Sermon builder panel will no longer go blank when changing font styles.
  • Shortcuts
    • Resolved a bug that resulted in the inability to add certain web links to the shortcuts menu.
  • Tools
    • The application will no longer crash when activating the Advanced Timeline with a link set.
    • Various Dark Mode styling bugs have been corrected in the Sentence Diagramming tool.
  • Word Find
    • The application will no longer crash when selecting hint text in a Word Find document.
Mac Bug Fixes
  • Application
    • Items in the panel menu are now properly displayed on Sonoma without being cropped when hovered over.
  • Factbook
    • Selecting an item from the dropdown menu in Factbook will no longer be ignored for the top result in the list.
  • Documents
    • The application will no longer crash that when attempting to drag and drop items in the documents panel.
  • Layouts
    • The check mark that indicates the selected layout is now present in the Layouts menu.
  • Localizations
    • The cursor will no longer move to a previous word when typing in Korean in Notes and Sermons.
    • Quotation marks will now automatically close when typing in Korean in Notes and Sermons.
  • Guides
    • The hover popup for the ± symbol in the Word by Word section of Exegetical Guides is no longer missing a tooltip.
  • Passage Analysis
    • Passage Analysis icons are no longer missing.
  • Resources
    • The application no longer crashes when clicking on the Red/Blue filter in a stereoscopic resource.
Windows Bug Fixes
  • Interlinears
    • The reverse interlinear pane now consistently shows for reverse interlinears that are unowned, un-downloaded, or unavailable in applicable resources.
  • Print/Export
    • The application will no longer crash when generating print previews.

Mobile - iOS

  • Added a new Parallel Books button, next to the reference box, that allows you to quickly change between Bible translations, Study Bibles, Bible Commentaries, and more.
  • Replaced the Search button with a Bible button on the main toolbar, and added a search button in book title bars.
  • Removed the Notebook for Highlight setting when not signed in.
  • Display help text in the reference scanner if permissions to access the camera are denied.
  • The Add to Favorites button was removed from the kebab menu when there is nothing to favorite.
  • Removed the Community Notes Visual Filter and menu item.
Bug Fixes
  • Changes to interlinear lines are now immediately visible.
  • In paging mode, selecting text across columns from a book will not truncate the pop-up menu.
  • The application will no longer crash when downloading all books.
  • The linkset setting in a reading plan will properly display.
  • Abbreviated titles will correctly display in the Notes tool, Clippings, and when copying and pasting text.
  • The Bible button in the workspace editor will only open the preferred Bible picker if a preferred Bible hasn’t been set, otherwise it will just open the preferred Bible.
  • Certain free-to-use books are now fully accessible.

Mobile - Android

  • Added a new Parallel Books button, next to the reference box, that allows you to quickly change between Bible translations, Study Bibles, Bible Commentaries, and more.
  • Support specifying a language for the application different from the device language (Android 13 and higher).
  • Replaced the Search button with a Bible button on the main toolbar, and added a search button in book title bars.
  • The Add to Favorites button was removed from the kebab menu when there is nothing to favorite.
  • Removed the Community Notes Visual Filter and menu item.
  • Navigation of ref.y links with a reference and an offset.
  • Links within the Lexham Bible Dictionary will navigate correctly when the book is downloaded.
  • The Bible button in the workspace editor will only open the preferred Bible picker if a preferred Bible hasn’t been set, otherwise it will just open the preferred Bible.
  • Abbreviated titles will correctly display in Clippings.
  • Certain free-to-use resources are now fully accessible.